Eye for Detail
Thanks to the stylish metallic finish of this watch that provides impeccable clarity which helps you to lay your eyes on every detail. Furthermore, with a sturdy build, this watch delivers a durable and efficient operation.

Magnanimous Display
With an innovative alerting system in place, this watch intimates you of every notification, reminder, as well as, sports and health data by lighting up the 4.29 cm (1.69) display so that you can access them without any glitch.
Health Conscious
This watch boasts a professional-level PPG sensor, that helps monitor oxygen content in your blood and your heart rate throughout the day. Thus, keeping you on top of your health.

Long-lasting Battery
With robust battery performance, this watch delivers an exemplary battery life with one charge being enough for up to 12 days. This way, you can go on treks, trips, and much more without having to worry about charging your watch frequently.
Stylish Outlook
This watch comes with over 110 customisable watch faces which offer you a plethora of choices to match your style and enhance your outlook.